Monday, October 20, 2008

A " Full" Day

Everyday brings an experience and today was once such day- a "full" day if i were to call it my way:) it all began when my son rushed out of the bath(he has never been an early riser : so, it has always been the last minute readying to school.) I heard the bathroom door bang but branded this as an inconspicuous activity for the day and let it pass. My hands were anyway so full for the next couple of hours: packing my family to office and school. Once they left, i decided to sip my leisure coffee and attacked my crossword. Then i debated and said,let me finish my bath before the door bell starts ringing - it usually is the provision delivery boy from Everfine/ security bringing in a visitor : all these people have an uncanny ability to ring my door bell when i am into something important always! So, coming back, i went all geared for a lovely refreshing bath -what with my radio FM doling out lovely songs today.. I tried to open the bath door but it did not open. I used some force, but no, nothing happened..and then suddenly i retracked events that morning and owed the lock being jammed to my 13 old hurried teenage son. Well, now i was left with no choice but to call the carpenter. I dialled our association office and promptly got a response that handling problems with the lock did not come under the purview of the scope of activities of the building plumber. ( I must tell all HR folks that the role definition in our building for all helpers is so wonderful that we could take a cue from it: just that nothing will ever get done because of the extreme role compartmentalisation) So, i went out to discover a carpenter who can help. It took me close to three hours to find one who was willing to come with me and help. The rest were busy and had more appointments than i have had in my full time job.

Finally, the door was repaired and the bath was usable now. When i checked my watch, it was 3;30pm and my son would be back in half hour. So, i rushed to the kitchen instead to dish out some snacks for his evening arrival from school.

Well, well, well, plans are fine but there is a bigger picture always that arrives unexpected and unprompted that teaches you to take life as it comes- especially if you are a doting wife, happy mother and an Organization consultant who works part time all rolled into one. Cheers to all mothers like me!
